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Chapter Contents

Location - Overview of what can be done in various locations to be more resilient.  Covers urban, suburban and rural settings along with the advantages and limitations of each.

Housing Characteristics - Issues involved in a decision to B
ug-Out versus stay put.  Methods to harden your home exterior.  Advice on interior upgrades to improve security and storage.  Summary of methods to enhance safety and perform maintenance.

 / Network / Community - defines 3 layers of trusted people beyond your current family.  Includes outline of a Team charter and how to find appropriate people.

Basic Security - behavioral and physical aspects of security.  Awareness, avoidance, de-escalation and deterrence.  Physical barriers, surveillance, lighting, communications, unique considerations for Nuclear/Biologic/Chemical events.

Defensive Equipment & Training - firearms selection and training, sighting systems, lights, night vision, thermal devices, suppressors, battle belts, body armor, and advanced t

Water - storage methods, obtaining water from natural sources (rain, streams) plus filtration and disinfection methods.  Manual pump fo
r your well.

Food Storage - options for frozen, canned and dried goods.
  Commercial survival foods (MRE's and freeze dried).  Methods for home canning, drying, freeze drying, and root cellars.

Food Production - gardening with emphasis on soil quality a
nd problems you will face.  Overview of livestock varieties and what might be most appropriate for your location.  Discussion of fencing and animal housing.

Transportation / Equipment - location specific recommendations for transportation and homesteading equipment.  Includes maintenance considerations.

Energy - stored fossil fuel, heating options (wood, solar, geothermal), cooking, electricity (generators and Photo-Voltaic), small batteries for devices.

Personal Items -  mindset, fitness, unique physical needs, clothing.

Medical / Hygiene - maintaining mental, emotional and physical health, care for sick or injured, dealing with human waste.

Money - risks to your wealth and options for savings, cash, precious metals and barter.

Conclusions - what to do now

Appendices' - Reset probability, reset scenarios, bunkers, what to transport, radio communications, Baofeng radio guide, legal aspects of self-defense, firearm safety, buying your first gun, silver as an asset.


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